Esse estilo não tem muito a ser falado eu me vesti assim na semana passada na terça passada se eu não me engano...sei lá...é bem básico! Uma jaqueta jeans cinza e vélha, calça skinny preta, boné também preto, camisa xadrez azul (azul Dârrr isso é obvio) e a alegria da festa os botons!!!
(This style does not have much to be said I'm dressed up last week on Tuesday afternoon if I'm not mistaken ... I dunno ... it's pretty basic! A gray and old denim jacket, black skinny pants, cap also black, blue chess shirt (blue Dârrr that is obvious) and the joy of the party shirts!)
(This style does not have much to be said I'm dressed up last week on Tuesday afternoon if I'm not mistaken ... I dunno ... it's pretty basic! A gray and old denim jacket, black skinny pants, cap also black, blue chess shirt (blue Dârrr that is obvious) and the joy of the party shirts!)
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